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"A worshipping community of Christian disciples joyfully serving God and neighbor.”


This vision informs the four core ministry priorities of Ascension Church: Worship, Discipleship, Community, and Service. These correspond to our four missional directions, the upward, downward, inward, and outward. Each ministry priority and missional direction is founded on the gospel and guided by a set of ministry values.








Gospel Foundation

Worship is the foundational Christian action. Christ died to reconcile a people to the Father, and worship is the result of this reconciliation. Christ the mediator enables relational communication between God and humanity. God’s word come to us in the Scriptures, read, preached, and heard. Here, the message of truth, the gospel of salvation is of central importance. We respond to God with praise, confession, thanksgiving, attentiveness, readiness, prayer, and resolution. To worship God is the highest calling of God's creatures.


Congregational Practice

Because worship, especially corporate worship is a priority in the Christian life, so regular worship gatherings on the Lord’s Day are a foundational practice of the local church.


Organic Promotion

Although regular worship gatherings are essential for the local church, it is important to encourage regular private worship and family worship for all believers.


Ministry Values

a) Expository Preaching: Regular preaching based on distinct texts of Scripture with explanation,       illustration, and application. (2 Tim 4:2, 2 Tim 2:15)


b) Liturgical Dialogue: The worship service is fittingly structured as a divine dialogue between          God and His people. (Ex 24:1-11, Ps 105-106)


c) Sabbath Rest: The Lord’s Day is set apart as a special day for worship and rest. It is mean to          be a joy and refreshing delight to the people of God. (Gen 2:3, Lev 23:7, Is 58:13)


d) Weekly Communion: Regularly partaking of the Lord’s Supper helps the congregation to                remain gospel centered, resting in the finished work of Christ. (Acts 20:7, 1 Cor 11:26)


e) Godly Affections: Worship is meant not only to engage the mind, but also to reach the                  affections. God loves whole-hearted, fervent, worship. (Ps 111:1, Ps 63:1-5)


f) Accessible Music: The best psalms, hymns, and songs arranged in a vernacular musical style.       (Ps 150, 1 Cor 14:6-12) – Listen to the songs we sing


g) Morning & Evening: Just as the sacrifices were morning and evening, so it is fitting that                 worship services be held twice on the Lord’s Day. (Num 28:4, Ps 55:17)


h) Intergenerational: We believe that families in Scripture worship together and so welcome              children in our worship services. (Ezra 10:1, Eph 6:1-4)




Gospel Foundation

Jesus called His apostles to make disciples of all nations, that is, learners of Jesus. He said that making disciples involved baptizing them and teaching them to obey all of Christ’s commands. The call to follow Jesus is not only the call to trust Him, but also to learn of Him, obey Him, and reflect Him. He died, rose, and ascended that he might send the Spirit to empower His people for a new obedience. Therefore, the Christian life requires a constant renewal of the mind and attentive apprenticeship to Jesus. The work of spiritual formation is critical to the Christian life.


Congregational Practice

Because following Jesus is a life-long pursuit, Christian education for all ages is an important work of the local church. This may include weekly classes, special lectures, seminars, or conferences.


Organic Promotion

With the amount of information available in today’s digital economy, it is especially important to be a resourcing church, that can equip the congregation with biblically solid teaching  and information.


Ministry Values

a) Intellectual Humility: We ought not be high minded or proud, but always ready to learn with a      teachable spirit. (1 Cor 8:2, Rom 12:2)


b) Winsome Conviction: The truth ought always be spoken in love, with gentleness and respect.       (1 Pet 3:15-16, Eph 4:15)


c) Formation Practices: Christian spirituality involves growing in particular spiritual practices

    (Matt 5-7)


d) Whole-life Discipleship: Christian teaching is not only for the mind, but the heart, will,                    emotions, self, family, vocation, church, society. (1 Cor 10:31, Col 3:18-25, Titus 2)


e) Catechetical Teaching: The westminster standards provide a helpful, balanced teaching guide      for both young and old comprising a balanced mix of Christian theology, morality, and                  spirituality. (Deut 6:1-9, Heb 6:1)




Gospel Foundation

Christ is the ascended head of the church, which is his body. To be joined to Christ by faith is also to be joined to His body. The connective tissue is love, and love for the brethren is a preeminent mark of one who is in Christ. Jesus died to form a new community, a counter-culture that can arise within any other culture, even one hostile to faith. As saints serve one another as brothers and sisters, using their gifts to edify, help, and bless, all grow together as a holy habitation for the spirit of God.


Congregational Practice

Considering the radically individualistic nature of western society, we believe that intentional community via small groups is of vital importance in the local church. We encourage all church members to fellowship as part of a community group.


Organic Promotion

We encourage all members towards regular rhythms of hospitality, opening hearts and homes in loving community.


Ministry Values

a) Authenticity & Sincerity: True community is impossible if we are putting up fronts and hiding        ourselves from others. We are all weak and struggle in many ways and are called to come              alongside one another in supportive community. (Rom 12:9-16, Gal 6:1-10)


b) Mutuality & Reciprocity: The local church is not meant to be a place where only                               ‘professionals’ do ministry, but where each member is involved using their gifts for the                   good of the body. One-anothering ought to be a foundational mark of a local church                     community. (Rom 15:14, 1 Pet 4:7-11)


c) Friendly Welcome: Just as Christ welcomed us into His family, so we want to express warmth,      care, and welcome for all who enter our community. The church is meant to be a diverse              community where those of different generations, economic statuses, ethnicity, gender,                  culture, and background come together in spirit-empowered unity. (Rom 15:7, Eph 2:11-22)




Gospel Foundation

Jesus’ loving sacrifice, even unto death, provides an example of sacrificial love for His disciples to follow. His resurrection and spirit-sending empowers a new people of love. Jesus desires that His disciples glorify the Father in bearing much fruit. Words of grace and acts of goodness are an express part of God’s plan and intention for His redeemed people. Jesus came to serve and calls His followers to serve following His example. The church is blessed to be a blessing to the nations. Christians are called to joyfully serve their families, churches, and communities through generous gifts of time, talent, and treasure, both vocationally and voluntarily. These good works, along with clear gospel words, both witness to the life-changing goodness of Jesus Christ.


Congregational Practice

The congregation aims to strategically partner with para-church ministries to provide personal and financial resources to bless both local communities and national partners. In house ministries of mercy, in additional to local diaconal work, are also desirable.


Organic Promotion

We encourage congregants to disciple their families, to integrate their faith with their work, and to seek after biblical mercy and justice according to their abilities, passions, resources, and opportunities.



Ministry Values

a) Generosity: A heart freed from the love of self and the love of money is the heart freed to              joyfully contribute to the needs of others (2 Cor 8-9)


b) Mercy: There is a particular call in Scripture to show mercy to the marginalized, especially the      poor, the fatherless, the widow, and the stranger (Deut 24:19, Ps 82:3, Job 31)


c) Vocation: All are intended by God to see their daily work as a divine calling to do good in this      world, both to family and community. (Gen 1:28, Pro 31, 1 Thes 4:9-12)


d) Family Discipleship: Parents have the high calling of training their children to be Christ’s                disciples, teaching them all the ways of faith, hope, and love. (Deut 6:6-9, Pro 1:8, Eph 6:4)

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