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FAQ //

Questions for the Planter //


Why are you drawn to this area?

"Julie and I have enjoyed experiencing the vibrancy and life of the uptown area. We love the quality food, modern aesthetics, interesting shops and people, and emphasis on arts and culture. We desire to see the truth of the gospel and power of the Holy Spirit at work, seasoning common grace with redeeming grace. We deeply desire to engage the area's younger demographic's honest questions with biblical truth, and to call them to wholehearted devotion to Christ."


How does your personal ministry history inform your vision?

"Growing up in charismatic evangelicalism, reformed theology was a revelation to me in my late teens. This robust vision of God, salvation, and Scripture opened my eyes to see depths of theocentric glory I had never before considered. I now love communicating the confessional convictions I've come to cherish (sovereign grace, covenant theology, presbyterial government, regulated and dialogical worship, the Lord's Day etc.) to those new to the reformed faith. Musical worship has also always been a large part of my service in the church, and I delight to see God's people engaged in fervent praise to their King. I desire to see the best psalms, hymns, and songs sung in a form that connects with current musical expression. A recent conviction in our family has been the importance of ministries of mercy, a we've spent the last two years living alongside impoverished women in crisis pregnancies. Over the years we've thoroughly enjoyed practicing hospitality, especially hosting young adults and other small group bible studies. We cherish the relationships we've been building together in intentional community. We believe that a focus on clear scriptural teaching, partnered with engaging music, and an emphasis on mercy and intentional community, will resonate in the hearts of many others, especially young adults and young families, as it does in our own."


Why do you want to plant another Church?

"We believe God is already at work in this community, and desire to join other faithful churches in the tasks of seeking and nurturing Christ's sheep. Our great God deserves great praise, and the vision of a new worshipping community is compelling to us! Christ is not only honored by the church universal, but by particular local assemblies. I'm convinced that each particular church has a unique gifting as a part of Christ’s body, and that newly planted churches, with all their particularity, will be gifted and equipped to reach people other churches may not reach, and to disciple people other churches may not effectively disciple. We plant because God deserves more worship!"


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